
TitleNerima City Ōizumi-gakuen Station North No.4 Bicycle Parking
BuilderNerima City
LocationHigashioizumi, Nerima-ku
ConstructionYoshiwara-Choutoku Construction Joint Venture


Ōizumi-gakuen Station has the largest number of bicycles in Nerima Ward, and because of the lack of bicycle parking, there was a need for a self-operated bicycle parking lot that could accommodate more than 500 bicycles. We therefore secured a three-story, steel-framed bicycle parking lot with an auto ramp. To blend in with the surrounding environment, the exterior walls were made of extruded cement board with greening on the wall surfaces, alternating with the windows to create a rhythmic appearance. The street side was actively greened, and medium-sized trees were placed to create a spacious and lively space. Inside, high sidelights were installed, and the exterior walls were designed to allow natural light to enter through a well-balanced arrangement of windows.